best Food testing laboratories is available in india

 Food testing laboratories determine that any physical, chemical and biological pollutants or risks are not found in the food product like metals, chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, cleaning agents, salmonella, e-coli bacteria, etc.

Manufacturers have been able to determine that the food is being manipulated in the production process and customers have been able to verify the quality of the food.

Impurities and increased use of toxic chemicals and colors are the main reason to perform food testing in India.

Chemical Testing is the process of determining chemical substance and analysis for the various components of the food product, including PH, additives, preservatives, colours, pollutants etc.

Biological Testing is involved in the study of microorganisms that pollute food. This is generally achieved on the raw materials, element and the finished product.

Mechanical testing is conducted to analyze the Opacity, Elongation, Dart impact Resistance, Coefficient of Friction, Bond Strength and etc of the food.
